Maya's Bio

Hello, fellow TRAIN students!

    My name is Maya Lee, and I am double majoring in Applied computing and mechanical engineering. I am originally from Iowa and have lived in Arizona since 2019. I am passionate about technology and science, but I also profoundly appreciate music. 

    I went to a tech-focused high school in my first year, which began my love for robotics. Throughout high school, I participated in competitive robotics, competed internationally in an underwater robotics competition my sophomore year, and participated in state championships. I was also briefly in a white hat hacking club, allowing me to attend conferences and hackathons. 

    I am the president of the robotics club at Phoenix College (join robotics!), the Vice president of Rho Pi Phi Theta Kappa, and a Regional Project Support Officer for the Phi Theta Kappa Arizona Region. Robotics is a great passion of mine as it allows me to build my skills for the future and connect with other like-minded individuals who are just as nerdy as me. Outside of school, I love playing video games, watching movies and TV shows, and listening to music. I collect vinyl records and have played violin for 10 years.

    My research interests consist of machine learning and database creation. Robotics and machine learning can have a positive impact as long as it's created with humanity in mind. I hope to one day create technology that helps those with disabilities (mobility, developmental, etc.) as my sister, who has low muscle composition and ASD, inspires me to make the world a better place for her. I want to pursue a Ph.D. in biomechanical engineering, focusing on biorobotics. I am honored to be in this program with such exceptional students, and I look forward to learning about the research people are working hard on this semester! 

-Maya Lee


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