Week 3: It's going

 Hello everyone!

    This week was more culturing and photos. I think I'll be set for the rest of the semester since I am combining the new images with last semester's data. Therefore, I will start coding our algorithm in Python next week! I'm a bit nervous, but in my preliminary research that Josh helped with, it doesn't seem too bad, and I hope to get it completed and tested by November. It might be ambitious, but we'll see what happens and hope for the best. 

    Classes have been a bit difficult. It certainly is beginning to feel like I'm in my sophomore year since the content is only getting much more challenging. Luckily, I still enjoy learning the content, so at least I know I'm not in the wrong major 😅. However, it will be an uphill battle this semester with some of my classes. This is another area of my life in which I'm hoping for the best! I hope everyone is doing well and taking care of themselves! 


Maya Lee


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