Spring Week 1: L-BEAR

 Hello, everyone!

   This semester, I've decided to switch projects since I ended the bacteria identification project in a way I felt satisfied. My new project is to continue the project I started last summer through WAESO. The project will create a human assistive robot named L-BEAR (Load Bearing Earthbound Autonomous Robot). Last summer, we created a server to communicate wirelessly between the robot and a laptop. It can recognize common objects, such as people, animals, and items such as food. The goal is to create a robot that can assist people on campus with carrying items and loads up to 50 lbs. It's inspired by research efforts for patient "buddy" robots that help lift patients out of bed. So far, I've started printing the chassis for the robot and will be doing assembly and wiring throughout the semester. Hopefully, all goes well! I hope everyone had a great winter break!


The partially assembled top of the robot!


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