Week 5: Exams and Las Hermanas!

 Hello everyone, 

This week has been quite eventful for me. I had exams for physics and differential equations, which required a lot of preparation. Additionally, I dedicated time to preparing for Las Hermanas, an event aimed at promoting STEM to young women from historically excluded and marginalized communities. Collaborating with my peers Josh, Patsy Herman, Ro Loucks, and Evelyn was a rewarding experience. Our presentation at Las Hermanas went smoothly, and the feedback we received from the surveys was pretty positive. It's gratifying to know that our efforts are making a difference in inspiring future generations of women in STEM. Since I'll be graduating this semester, it's the last time I do an event like this. It's melancholic but I'm glad that it's a memory that I can keep for the future. 


Maya Lee



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